Cystic fibrosis : note
• Patients with cystic fibrosissecrete very viscous mucus in the lung and
suffer repeated lung infections.The pancreas is also affected and patients
are deficient in pancreaticenzymes; this reduces digestion and absorption
of nutrients, so affecting growth.
• The viscous mucus in cysticfibrosis is difficult to clear from the lung:
patients need physical therapy andpostural drainage to clear the airways.
• Sweat glands have sympatheticcholinergic innervation. Patients with cystic
fibrosis secrete a large amount ofsalt in their sweat and this forms the basis
of a diagnostic test for thecondition.
• Since cystic fibrosis patients lackdigestive enzymes, enzyme preparations
containing amylase, lipase andproteases are prescribed in order to improve
intestinal absorption of nutrients.